Svelte: I’m a yogi at heart. I discovered yoga in the early 90’s when I moved to NYC to attend NYU Tisch School of Arts for my BFA. Yoga’s benefits are many! Besides increasing flexibility, yoga helps build strength and bone density, aids in better sleep, de-stresses with deeper breathing, and gives you a healthier, more positive outlook overall.
I don’t know what I’d do without my daily yoga practice. It doesn’t have to be long either to reap all the rewards. As a matter of fact, each workout on my S3 DVD is around 25 minutes in length. Yoga is all about self care.
If you are in Manhattan and can join me live on Sunday, I would love to meet you!
If you can’t make it to Wanderlust, here are some moves you can do at home to help you stay strong, sexy and svelte. I will continue to share exercises, mantras, ideas, breathing techniques, foods and recipes with you. I welcome ideas and tips from you as well. Here’s to being courageous, confident and compassionate towards our selves.
Svelte Thighs:
Yoga Flow Awkward Chair in to High Lunge—Start standing with feet together, bend your knees and lower your hips down as if you are sitting in a chair. Lift your arms up overhead simultaneously and press your palms together. Inhale lunge your right leg back in to a lunge making sure the front knee doesn’t go past the front ankle and open your arms so they are shoulder width apart. Press firmly through your back leg then step forward back in to chair pose keeping the hips low, then step the left leg back to a lunge. Repeat 3 to 5 times each side.