Leave ample room: While micro movements are everything in a barre workout, you’ve got to have space to move around. Make sure you set up your studio in a spot with lots of room for fluid movement.
Build your barre: You may consider investing in a portable ballet barre, but there are lots of ways to get creative with furniture you’ve already got in your home. Find a counter or grab a chair for a makeshift barre. Either will do the trick as a substitute for the real thing.
Roll out your mat: Bring your Pilates or yoga mat out whenever you’re moving through a dance-inspired workout at home. Your mat gives your feet necessary traction when performing the barre routine, so you’re not slipping and sliding all over your home’s floor — or worse, rolling your ankle!
Break out a routine: If you’re not sure where to start, watch one of these awesome barre-workout videos, or incorporate these three barre-inspired moves into your next workout.